Better government is as easy as standing up, mate
Those readers who watch television have probably seen a recent Geico insurance commercial about the ease of saving money. Check it out at Geico videos.
"Uh huh, easy money," remarks the Geico gecko in his adorable British accent. The commercial's message is that saving money on our car insurance is as easy as going to
"Which is like what?," asks the gecko, "(Like) asking you to stand up? (It's like I say to you), 'If you stand up, you can save loads of money.' What the hell, you're going to be like, 'No thanks. I'm so rich, I think I'm going to keep my seat.'"
Elections are a lot like shopping for car insurance on the Internet. Not only are they now dependent on computers, they're all about our exercise of choices.
What if there was one choice on the ballot that could save us loads of money, give us more personal choices and freedom, protect us from special interest groups and encourage responsibility in our neighbors? What if more prosperity, choices and integrity were as easy as voting for Libertarian Party candidates?
"But yikes, that would mean I'd have to vote Libertarian," responds a voter.
"Which is like what?," asks the gecko, "(Like) asking you to stand up? (It's like I say to you), 'If you stand up, you can save loads of tax money, gain your personal freedom back and quit being bullied into paying other people's way.' What the hell, you're going to be like, 'No thanks. I'm so rich, free and charitable, I think I'm going to keep my seat.'"
"Uh huh, easy money," remarks the Geico gecko in his adorable British accent. The commercial's message is that saving money on our car insurance is as easy as going to
"Which is like what?," asks the gecko, "(Like) asking you to stand up? (It's like I say to you), 'If you stand up, you can save loads of money.' What the hell, you're going to be like, 'No thanks. I'm so rich, I think I'm going to keep my seat.'"
Elections are a lot like shopping for car insurance on the Internet. Not only are they now dependent on computers, they're all about our exercise of choices.
What if there was one choice on the ballot that could save us loads of money, give us more personal choices and freedom, protect us from special interest groups and encourage responsibility in our neighbors? What if more prosperity, choices and integrity were as easy as voting for Libertarian Party candidates?
"But yikes, that would mean I'd have to vote Libertarian," responds a voter.
"Which is like what?," asks the gecko, "(Like) asking you to stand up? (It's like I say to you), 'If you stand up, you can save loads of tax money, gain your personal freedom back and quit being bullied into paying other people's way.' What the hell, you're going to be like, 'No thanks. I'm so rich, free and charitable, I think I'm going to keep my seat.'"